Boston Globe South Informer
By: Bret Hauff

Biopharmaceutical company Shire PLC has donated $25,000 to Quincy College’s Biotechnology and Compliance program, which will in turn support the Jewish Vocational Services’ college readiness program. The college readiness program gives aspiring students the scientific and mathematical foundation to enroll in the college’s 10-month program, from which Shire has hired in the past. College spokesman Taggart Boyle said this grant will support summer enrollment, which includes students from underserved communities in Quincy and surrounding areas.

From left, students Belinda Jean-Calixte, Amir Nedjadi, Sybille Cherismo, and Danny Quinn during a 2014 class at the Quincy College Biotechnology and Compliance program. (Photo by Ted Fitzgerald)

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