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[post_date] => 2018-10-09 13:43:15
[post_date_gmt] => 2018-10-09 17:43:15
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[post_title] => Balance Training Workshop, Part II | First Friday Fitness Focus
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College First Friday Fitness Focus | Balance Training Workshop, Part II 11/2/18 1PM-2PM in the QC Health & Fitness Center.
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[date_start_date] => November 2, 2018
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Resistance Band Training
Friday, November 2, 2018
QC Health & Fitness Center, Presidents Place Lower Level
Scott Whitehead, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, will present a Balance Training Workshop Part II. Whether or not you were able to attend our September Balance Training Workshop, or had the time to practice the exercises demonstrated at this first workshop, please consider participating in this follow-up balance training session that will provide important information with practical application, as you advance to the next level of movement control and fall prevention.
Learn more about the Fitness Center>>
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[post_title] => Exercise Science & Personal Training
[post_excerpt] => The Quincy College Exercise Science/Personal Training Program provide academic and practical preparation for students to either continue their education.
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Balance Training Workshop, Part II | First Friday Fitness Focus
First Friday Fitness Focus
Resistance Band Training
Friday, November 2, 2018
QC Health & Fitness Center, Presidents Place Lower Level
Scott Whitehead, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, will present a Balance Training Workshop Part II. Whether or not you were able to attend our September Balance Training Workshop, or had the time to practice the exercises demonstrated at this first workshop, please consider participating in this follow-up balance training session that will provide important information with practical application, as you advance to the next level of movement control and fall prevention.
Learn more about the Fitness Center>>