In matter of clear and present possible physical harm by any Quincy College student, employee or visitor toward another individual at the College, the College President has authority to declare an individual, or individuals, persona non grata at the College. Such individuals are immediately suspended from classes and from employment and, if on campus, will be escorted off campus, and shall not return to the campus without permission and escort unless and until such status is removed by the President or as a result of a special hearing board.

Each individual declared as persona non grata shall have such status communicated to him/her by the College President in writing. Such written communication shall state the reason for such actions and indicate that within five class or business days a special hearing board will be assembled to hear and review this matter. Each student, employee or visitor shall also be informed of his/her right to counsel at such hearing, to present information or evidence and to make written and/or verbal statements.

In all such cases the individual(s) will have the right to a special College hearing within five class days of the persona non grata notification. A special hearing board shall be appointed consisting of three members, including one administrator, one contract faculty member appointed by the College President, and one student appointed by the College President, with two members present being a quorum. By majority vote of a quorum, the special hearing board will recommend to the President

that the assigned persona non grata be removed or continued. If the persona non grata is removed and the individual is allowed to return, the individual may then be charged through the regular Administrative Disciplinary Procedure for any offenses committed. A student who has been declared persona non grata has no right to a refund as a result of their being placed on that status. The President of the College has the option of having any case heard by the Board of Governors in lieu of the special review (hearing) board cited above.

Original: October 1999

Revised: August 2020