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[post_title] => MedMoves! Medicine Ball Training Workshop | First Friday Fitness Focus
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College First Friday Fitness Focus | MedMoves! Medicine Ball Training Workshop | 2/7/20 1PM-2PM in room 019N.
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[date_start_date] => February 7, 2020
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MedMoves! Medicine Ball Training Workshop
Friday, February 7, 2020
Room 019N, Presidents Place Lower Level
Join Fitness Director, Rita La Rosa Loud and Fitness Instructor, Pam Hurley in this informative, fun, practical, medicine ball training session. You will learn to use weighted medicine balls to train both your upper and lower body. You will not only experience an effective medicine ball strength conditioning program but you will be participating in an exciting medicine ball aerobic endurance training workout. You will be moving and grooving at your own pace and level of ability for approximately 50-minutes!
Workshop will be held on the same floor as the Health & Fitness Center. Just go through the glass doors to the first classroom on the right.
Learn more about the Fitness Center>>
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[post_date_gmt] => 2015-09-28 19:44:48
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[post_title] => Exercise Science & Personal Training
[post_excerpt] => The Quincy College Exercise Science/Personal Training Program provide academic and practical preparation for students to either continue their education.
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[post_excerpt] => Intercollegiate Sports | Quincy College is in Region XXI of the National Junior College Athletic Association, NJCAA.
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MedMoves! Medicine Ball Training Workshop | First Friday Fitness Focus
First Friday Fitness Focus
MedMoves! Medicine Ball Training Workshop
Friday, February 7, 2020
Room 019N, Presidents Place Lower Level
Join Fitness Director, Rita La Rosa Loud and Fitness Instructor, Pam Hurley in this informative, fun, practical, medicine ball training session. You will learn to use weighted medicine balls to train both your upper and lower body. You will not only experience an effective medicine ball strength conditioning program but you will be participating in an exciting medicine ball aerobic endurance training workout. You will be moving and grooving at your own pace and level of ability for approximately 50-minutes!
Workshop will be held on the same floor as the Health & Fitness Center. Just go through the glass doors to the first classroom on the right.
Learn more about the Fitness Center>>