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[post_date_gmt] => 2019-10-04 14:12:40
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[post_title] => Internship & Career Fair | Plymouth Campus
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College Internship & Career Fair | 10/16/19 at 12pm-2pm | Plymouth Campus
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Internship & Career Fair
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Student Lounge, Plymouth Campus
If you are looking for an internship or a full-time position, you won’t want to miss this event! This is a great opportunity to explore and network with employers about their career opportunities. Be sure to research companies in advance. Bring copies of your resume to hand out and dress professionally. You may just walk away with an interview!
- Arbor Associates
- BAYADA Home Health Care
- Brigham and Women’s Physician’s Organization Harbor Medical Associates
- Cape Cod Healthcare
- Chamber of Commerce-Plymouth
- Eliot Community Human Services
- Harbor Health Services
- MassHire South Shore Career Center
- Old Colony YMCA – Brockton
- Securitas Security Services USA, Inc
- Stellarware
- Walgreen Co.
- Women Behind Women
Learn more about Student Career Services>>
Learn more about Quincy College Career Kit>>
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[post_date_gmt] => 2015-02-09 20:39:07
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[post_title] => Student Career Center
[post_excerpt] => The Career Center provides a comprehensive approach to career and life planning offering a wide array of services, resources, and programs.
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[post_date] => 2018-08-20 13:40:58
[post_date_gmt] => 2018-08-20 17:40:58
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[post_title] => Career Kit
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[post_title] => Alumni: Stay Connected
[post_excerpt] => Our mission is to engage alumni and students in programs, events and services that energize interest, build loyalty and strengthen support of Quincy College.
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[post_date_gmt] => 2018-08-24 19:43:01
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[post_title] => Courses
[post_excerpt] => View the current course schedule. Quincy College can get you where you need to be, whether you’re looking to earn a degree, take a single class, continue your education or change your career. Quincy College offers the programs you want, the flexibility you need and the price that makes it all possible.
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Internship & Career Fair | Plymouth Campus
Internship & Career Fair
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Student Lounge, Plymouth Campus
If you are looking for an internship or a full-time position, you won’t want to miss this event! This is a great opportunity to explore and network with employers about their career opportunities. Be sure to research companies in advance. Bring copies of your resume to hand out and dress professionally. You may just walk away with an interview!
- Arbor Associates
- BAYADA Home Health Care
- Brigham and Women’s Physician’s Organization Harbor Medical Associates
- Cape Cod Healthcare
- Chamber of Commerce-Plymouth
- Eliot Community Human Services
- Harbor Health Services
- MassHire South Shore Career Center
- Old Colony YMCA – Brockton
- Securitas Security Services USA, Inc
- Stellarware
- Walgreen Co.
- Women Behind Women
Learn more about Student Career Services>>
Learn more about Quincy College Career Kit>>