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[post_date] => 2018-09-27 11:54:49
[post_date_gmt] => 2018-09-27 15:54:49
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[post_title] => Resistance Band Training | First Friday Fitness Focus
[post_excerpt] => Quincy College First Friday Fitness Focus | Resistance Band Training 10/5/18 1PM-2PM in the QC Health & Fitness Center.
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[date_start_date] => October 5, 2018
[date] => 20181005
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Resistance Band Training
Friday, October 5, 2018
Room 019N, Presidents Place Lower Level
Rita La Rosa Loud, Fitness Supervisor, Health & Fitness Center at Quincy College, and Pam Hurley, Health & Fitness Center Fitness Instructor will present. Learn how to safely and effectively train your musculoskeletal system based on your individual strength level using color-coded resistance bands.
Please join Rita and Pam for this fun, informative and interactive session.
Learn more about the Fitness Center>>
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[post_title] => Exercise Science & Personal Training
[post_excerpt] => The Quincy College Exercise Science/Personal Training Program provide academic and practical preparation for students to either continue their education.
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Resistance Band Training | First Friday Fitness Focus
First Friday Fitness Focus
Resistance Band Training
Friday, October 5, 2018
Room 019N, Presidents Place Lower Level
Rita La Rosa Loud, Fitness Supervisor, Health & Fitness Center at Quincy College, and Pam Hurley, Health & Fitness Center Fitness Instructor will present. Learn how to safely and effectively train your musculoskeletal system based on your individual strength level using color-coded resistance bands.
Please join Rita and Pam for this fun, informative and interactive session.
Learn more about the Fitness Center>>